art journal and supplies

© 2022 Rachel L. Shumate | All rights reserved.

If you just read the title and rolled your eyes (probably thinking you sorely lack anything that resembles artistic talent) – stick with me.  And just for kicks, really hear me out.  To the rest of my creative souls – you’re going to love this!

So, you might be wondering, what the heck is an art journal anyway?  Well, it’s anything you dang well please!  Seriously.  The first rule to an art journal is: there are NO RULES.  In fact, you can make an art journal out of anything you like too.  Some people use old books, make their own with various binding techniques, and many simply use mixed media sketchbooks.  I’m lazy, so the latter is my preference.  I also like to play with watercolors so I need thicker pages (because again, I’m lazy and don’t want to have to prep my paper).

And just to reiterate, there are zero rules for what you create or put in your art journal.  This is a space to simply play.  (Set aside your perfectionist tendencies; I promise no one is going to ask to critique your journal.) You can use your art journal to illustrate and write down your thoughts, doodle in, sketch ideas, etc.  Heck, you can even blow off some steam and write cuss words over and over again in bubble letters if you want.  For fun, I’ve included a creative list of ideas to spark your creativity, and get you well on your way to loving your art journal.  Check it out below.

If you’re interested in starting an art journal, but still don’t feel overly confident in your artistic abilities, let’s chat…  First, don’t be silly.  EVERYONE is creative.  I bet you truly enjoyed creating art as a kid and somewhere down the line, some adult made you feel “less than” when it came to your macaroni masterpieces and playdough sculptures.  Your inner kiddo still wants to finger paint, doodle, and express your adorable, but grown-ass self.  And there’s absolutely no reason you shouldn’t!  Just have fun with it and don’t take yourself too seriously.  You’re first assignment can be to write, “Let it go…” on the cover page, haha.

So, let’s treat ourselves to a little art therapy!  It’s good for the mind, body, and soul!  Go grab your sketchbook, find a cozy spot (inside or out in nature), and get busy playing.  I’ll see you there.  (Well, not actually, but I’ll be there in spirit, doodling along too.)

15 Creative Art Journaling Prompts:

  1. Write down a positive affirmation and decorate the rest of the page
  2. Create a collage (washi tape makes for a pretty embellishment and adhesive)
  3. Brain Dump (write absolutely everything that comes to mind, don’t pause for thought – just write)
  4. Make a vision board (dream big!)
  5. Doodle (like you’re on the phone with an annoying coworker and you need some entertainment)
  6. Make a line design all over the entire page (without lifting up your pencil/pen)
  7. Write in bubble letters (bonus points if they’re cuss words because you’ve had a crappy day)
  8. Make a blackout poem and paste in into your journal (use a page of text from a book or magazine, and redact words with a permanent marker to come up with your own poem)
  9. Finger paint (it’s not just for kids; promise)
  10. Write down your top ten goals (and embellish enthusiastically)
  11. Tape a favorite picture on a page and write a corresponding memory (feel free to decorate)
  12. Make a colorful list of things you’re thankful for
  13. Use a Q-tip to paint flowers or make stippling art
  14. Write down (and decorate) your favorite prayer or mantra
  15. Create a monochromatic design or scene (use your favorite color with varying shades)
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