Adventure Challenge camera, book, and pictures

© 2022 Rachel L. Shumate | All rights reserved.

I sat on the couch and excitedly waited for my family to open the gift I’d purchased, while imagining all the fun we were about to have.  Instead, all I got were crickets, haha.  My husband, and even my daughter, looked at me rather quizzically as I explained what it was.  Even after they finally understood why I was so excited about a book and a Polaroid camera, the enthusiasm I had hoped for wasn’t quite there…  I must admit, that part didn’t come until later – when we opened the book, started our first challenge and then did indeed have fun.  I knew they’d come around!!

The first time I saw the ad for The Adventure Challenge, I was immediately intrigued.  I don’t recall how many impressions it took (marketing folks say the magic number is seven) before I eagerly handed over my credit card number.  Either way, they had me hook, line, and sinker.  I love adventures, family time, and the surprise element gave it a fun twist.

If you haven’t yet seen the advertising campaigns for The Adventure Challenge and their many different products, let me be the first to encourage you to head on over to their website and check them out.  (Alas, nope; that’s not an affiliate link. I don’t get any kind of kudos for recommending them.)  I went with the Family Edition set, which includes their Adventure Challenge book for families and their signature LOMO Instant camera.  The basic idea is that you flip through the pages, pick an adventure, scratch off the square to see what the challenge is, and go have fun completing it.  Naturally, you take some pictures while doing so and add them to the book afterwards, along with a note about how much fun you had.

Sounds like a blast, right?!  They actually have a variety of Adventure Challenge books and products.  There’s a Couples Edition, Dinner Dates, Friends Edition, Solo Edition, and many other extra products, subscriptions, and activities.  They even have an In Bed Adventure Challenge, which I suspect even the most reluctant of men would get excited about, haha.  Though in reading the description, I don’t think it’s as, er… smutty as you might think.  I’m not sure.  I’ll leave that to you if you want to check it out.  Anyway… I wanted the Family Edition because I’m all about some family fun time.  Also, I knew my kiddo would at least like the adventures (in case the hubs wasn’t eager to play along) and we could do them just the two of us, as a family, or even with friends.

So, if you’re the adventurous type, like a good challenge, or just want to add some excitement into your daily life, I recommend investing in an Adventure Challenge book or subscription.  I can attest that the books are high quality, the camera is pretty great (as far as Polaroids go), and the challenges are fun.  Give it a whirl – and if you do, I hope your challenge buddies are initially more receptive than mine were, haha!  (If they’re not, don’t worry; I bet they come around too.)

BUT WAIT… THERE’S MORE…!  I contacted the folks at The Adventure Challenge to let them know I was featuring their product in this post, and they are very generously offering my readers 20% off with the code: LIVINGOUTOFFOCUS until October 17, 2022!!  Wooohooo!!  Thanks bunches, Adventure Challenge!

PS: The LOMO Instant camera uses Fuji Instax Mini Film, which you can find reasonably priced at Walmart or Amazon when you run out.


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