little polaroid prints scattered around Fujifilm Instax Mini Link 2

© 2023 Rachel L. Shumate | All rights reserved.

Nearly everyone has a smart phone these days – well, except my mother who’s still sporting a flip phone (which I tease her relentlessly about, hehe). And more often than not, I’m willing to bet that you use your phone to take pictures rather than a regular camera. I totally get it; they’re just so damn convenient. Hell, I’m a photographer and I’m guilty as charged. (Sad; I know…) And, since everything is digital now (sweet mercy, I feel old), our images tend to sit, stored away, on our devices. Well, I have a really cool Fun Find to share with you, that will get some of those favorite images off your phone and into print.

I decided to treat myself last week and bought something that’s been on my wish list for over a year. I got a brand new, shiny Fujifilm Instax Mini Link 2! And frankly, I’m super excited about it. Like a kid with a new toy, I gleefully unboxed the tiny printer, loaded the polaroid film, and promptly started printing images from my phone like crazy. It. Was. Awesome. As a nerd and a photographer (who obviously has an affinity for pictures), I was totally thrilled with my new purchase. Honestly, I’m a little sad I didn’t just buy the dang thing a year ago.

Being a fan of Fuji (one of my “big serious” cameras is a Fuji) and quite enamored with the cute little prints that my daughter’s Fuji polaroid spits out, I was overjoyed to learn that I could get the same results, but using the images from my handy dandy iPhone instead. In fact, one might say that I totally geeked out… (Okay, I absolutely did!) Even if you’re not a photographer nerd, I still think this product is a game changer. I mean, who doesn’t love these cute little prints and the remarkable convenience of being able to print off the images from your phone in a matter of seconds? It’s just fun – and handy!

The process is much simpler than I thought it would be as well. In my research (because I always research…) I learned that the Instax Mini Link 2 touts a variety of features and is paired via an app that also does all sorts of tricks (probably to entice the younger generation). Not being especially interested in all the bells and whistles, I just printed out my images like a normal human being. Though you can do such things as add frames, stickers, doodles, and create collages before printing. Those seem like reasonable features, but it also does all sorts of other weird things that clearly, I’m too old to appreciate; like a match tests, compatibility scores, and quizzes for your friends – whatever the hell those are… I can tell you though, that I think the color modes are handy, and prefer the “instax-rich mode,” as I found the “instax-natural mode” to be rather light.

Basically, I’m more than pleased with this latest purchase and absolutely recommend it to anyone who has interest in such things. Which is, of course, why I’m sharing it with you. Actually, if you get one, feel free to let me know how you like it so we can geek out together, haha.

Happy snapping!


PS: I do not get any sort of kudos (or even free stuff, unfortunately) for telling you how awesome this product is. I simply like to let you know when I find fun things worth sharing. That’s what friends do.




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