Navigating North Journal

© 2023 Rachel L. Shumate | All rights reserved.

I have some super exciting news!!! In fact, I’m “happy dance alllllll over my dang house!” excited about it!! Yeah, I’m not joking either. I totally danced around my house – multiple times, haha. If my neighbors can see through my windows, they probably think I’ve lost my mind. But guess what!! I just published a book – okay, a guided journal, but it totally felt like writing a book!! Sweet mercy…

YES!!! After what seemed like forever, I now have my Navigating North Journal PUBLISHED!!! Eeeeek! Did I mention that I was excited…?

I took my journaling techniques that I’ve been using (and tweaking) for almost a decade now, and created the most awesome journal ever (dare I brag…). I made it partly because I wanted it for myself (setting up a regular journal this way by hand gets a tad old), but MOSTLY I wanted to share this with the world. Journaling has helped my mental health and overall well-being more than I could ever say. Not to sound too corny or anything, but it has in fact, changed my life. (Do an eyeroll if you must, but stick with me.) The thing is, I truly believe the practices in my journal, and the techniques found within, could be life changing for you too. And I soooo want to share that with you.

Gurus and therapists have been touting the benefits of journaling for years, and there really must be something to it, because my personal growth started when I picked up a pen. Journaling has been a daily exercise of mine for nearly a decade now. And because of this, I am a much better person than I once was, on so many levels. If this intrigues you, but are frankly wondering, “who the hell has time for that…?” I totally get it. Make no mistake, I’m not lounging about for an hour or more writing lengthy paragraphs and deep thoughts. Because, heck no… I don’t have the time or patience for that either. I simply list things, and occasionally write a full sentence. I take a few moments in the morning to jot down some goals and intentions to get pumped about my day. Then at the end of the day, I reflect and make notes. (And it will take me even less time now that I have the prompts already on the pages.)

These are some of the legit ways this journaling practice has changed my life:

  • Improved my attitude
  • Gave me a positive outlook
  • Helped me achieve my goals
  • Enhanced my focus
  • Improved my marriage
  • Increased my gratitude
  • Helped my health
  • Made me a better mom
  • Improved my prayer/spiritual life
  • Eased my anxiety*
  • Encouraged self-care
  • Helped me to grow and become a better person

I know that sounds like a tall order, and granted, like most things, it is what you make of it. But I can tell you first hand, that this journaling practice did all of these things for me (and more). In the near future, I plan to create a video to expound upon my experience and how I personally use this journal. In the meantime, I do offer directions to my method in the journal, explaining what each section is for, so fret not.

Obviously, I hope this journal has a beneficial impact on as many people as possible, but if I can help change even one person’s life in a positive way, it will be worth all the effort. I honestly hope one of those people is you. This journal is for anyone and everyone who wants to be a better person, find happiness more readily, and pursue their goals. I really, really hope you check it out! You can find the journal on Amazon.

PS: What’s inside? (I’m so glad you asked.) First, I naturally have a welcome message and even a QR code that will lead you to a special page on the website with additional resources (because I’m extra like that). Then there’s a section dedicated to growth mindset exercises, self-care, and goal setting to help you manifest your dreams. Of course, I’ve also included some blank pages for notes and a section for fun memories. But the main attraction is the section with the daily pages/entries that hopefully become your new favorite habit. These pages are essentially what I’ve been writing down for years and years. They have been a balm for my anxiety and daily stress, but what’s more, is that they have also helped me to find happiness, gratitude, and realize my goals and dreams.

*Please note that journaling certainly does not replace actual therapy, so please consult a professional if you feel it would be beneficial to you. And if you need help right away, please visit: or call 988. There is absolutely no shame in doing so, and I can personally attest to the wonders of anxiety medication.



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