compass on a map

© 2023 Rachel L. Shumate | All rights reserved.

Pivot…!!! If you just read that and had a mental image of Ross wrestling a huge couch on a stairwell, we’re kindred spirits, for sure. (Hi, my name’s Rachel, and I’m a Friends addict…) This image totally comes to mind when I hear the word “pivot” and sometimes I think it would be super helpful if the voice inside our head took a page from Ross’ book and started screaming the word at us when we’re mulling around and uncertain which direction to go in life. Because frankly, it’s not always so clear…

I’ve done a pivot or two in my life, and I just recently did a professional pivot. The transition was fairly gradual, but it still felt significant – which I suppose is natural since I basically changed part of my identity. Alas, I’m officially no longer a portrait photographer. (Gasp! I know…) And I have to say, it’s hard to quit something you’re good at even though it’s not really what you want to do in life. I did enjoy creating and capturing portraits, and I loved offering clients something of true sentimental value, but when I got really honest with myself, portraiture was not why I got into photography. Though make no mistake, I’m still a photographer, just as much as I am an artist, writer, blogger, and so on. I simply drew a line in the sand regarding my time and energy so that I could better follow my heart.

You might be wondering, what did I pivot into…? Well, this right here. I’m going all in, fully devoted to this blog, and to you – because I know deep down that is what I’m called to do. Living Out of Focus may have started years ago as a creative hobby, but my dreams and goals are coming to fruition, and I have even bigger things planned. I get excited to “come to work,” and that’s how I know things are going in the right direction.

I get it though… Sometimes it can feel damn near impossible to decide which path to take in our one and only, precious life. I think many of us get overcome by analysis paralysis and hesitate too long to set out. Other times, we pick the easy way because it’s safe. I’m here to encourage you to choose the path that speaks to your soul – regardless of where you currently find yourself. You see… we can pivot, backtrack, cut across on a shortcut, or even… get this… make our OWN path. Of course, none of these are particularly easy. There’s a ton of noise, opinions, and expectations that I believe we all grapple with. Our friends and loved ones may not always understand our dreams, and that’s okay. But I hope you have the courage to pursue them anyway.

As someone who has walked the “expected route” and also done a few pivots, I’m here to tell you that you can do both because it’s never too late to change your direction and go for your dreams. So, if this stirs something within you, do a little soul searching. Get quiet and listen to what your own heart and intuition might be telling you.

I’ll leave you with a few things to consider… Are you truly happy? What would you like to be or do if there were no way you could fail? And what (if any) would you like to do differently – starting tomorrow? The choice is yours; it always has been.


PS: Please know that I’m cheering you on no matter what! And I wish you happiness always.



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