Rachel's Vision Board of pictures and words

© 2024 Rachel L. Shumate | All rights reserved.

This project might give you some throwback memories of glue sticks and elementary school, but I promise that it’s totally an awesome adult thing to do. (Hey, if it makes you feel like a kid again, that’s just an added perk.) And, I know it sounds crazy, but it will also help you achieve those goals you’ve set for yourself. Some claim it’s manifesting, others call it neuroscience, I just say it’s magic. What the heck is it, you ask…? A vision board. Perhaps you’ve heard of it, but if you haven’t, let’s chat…

Vision boards can be powerful tools in helping you visualize your goals and dreams. The gist of it is pretty simple. You pin or glue pictures to a board. The images are of things that you desire in your life, and act as a constant reminder to your subconscious brain. The visualization of your goals is a huge deal, which is why vision boards are so helpful. You can use your own pictures, cut them out of magazines, and/or find an online site with royalty-free stock photos. You can also use words, pieces of maps, affirmation cards, or sentimental objects to help boost your vibes and mindset. (And feel fee to mix it up.)

You can create a vision board in your journal (there’s even a designated space for one in my Navigating North Journal), but it’s actually even more helpful if you create one that you can hang someplace where you’ll see it every day. I have mine on a cute framed corkboard that hangs above my desk. Of course, if you’re not keen on decorating your walls in such a manner, your journal is the next best thing – so long as you look at it often.

So, ready to start a kick-ass collage? It’s fun and useful! Give it a try, I bet you’ll be surprised.




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