a sailboat on the water during a beautiful sunset

© 2024 Rachel L. Shumate | All rights reserved.

The winds of change shift and flow,

To what destinations, we never know


Have faith; stay the course


There will be ups and downs, joys and strife,

Such is the way with love and with life


Have hope; stay the course


Demons will plague us, like fear and doubt

Boldly trudge on; it’s the best way out


Have courage; stay the course


Through each trial we grow and learn

Like a phoenix, our embers slowly burn


Have strength; stay the course


Be sure, all your blessings to count

You might be surprised at the sheer amount


Have gratitude; stay the course


This world can be brutal and full of hate

But you can make a difference; it’s not too late


Have compassion; stay the course


When at last we look to heaven above,

We’ll realize our purpose is to simply love


Have humility; stay the course


Growth, perspective, and wisdom made

Be a light for others and never fade


Hope you enjoyed this image and my “non-poem.” If you’d love to see this framed and on the wall of your home or office, please visit the gallery. If you’d like to inquire about licensing for this image in publications or for digital use, please contact me. 🙂

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