Dot Card sitting on top of a pile of paper business cards

© 2024 Rachel L. Shumate | All rights reserved.

Today I share with you a recent purchase that had me totally geeking out! I originally purchased a dot.card for my husband who owns his own company and never seems to have a business card handy when asked. (As his marketing person, I found this positively horrifying.) After setting it all up and including his branding (because I’m extra that way), I was completely smitten. I quite literally gushed about it to everyone I knew. It’s just so COOL. Less than a week later, I bought one for myself! (Honestly, I’m surprised I waited that long.) And now, whenever I’m excitedly telling someone about this awesome card (because I still haven’t shut up about it yet), I get to demonstrate how it works as well.

What the heck is it, you ask…? It’s a digital business card that is the size and shape of a regular credit card so you can carry it around in your wallet – meaning you always have it and you never run out. When someone asks for your business card, you simply whip it out and tap the card on the person’s smart phone. Then, just like magic, all your contact info pops up on their phone and they even have the option of saving it to their contacts. It’s freaking amazing!

It works via the NFC sensor located on the other person’s phone, and if they have that particular feature turned off, the same thing can still be accomplished by scanning the QR code on the back of the card. The link simply leads to your dot.profile that you’ve set up, which is free, unlimited, customizable, and you only have to pay $20 for the card. That’s it.

While this Fun Find might not be everyone’s jam, I know that if you’re a small business owner (or heck, a multimillion-dollar business owner), you’re going to love it! Although, business owner or not, I’d honestly still want one even if I worked for someone else just for the convenience and cool factor. And they could still be quite useful for other reasons too. A friend of mine actually told me she needed one of these when she was dating, haha.

Am I likely to stop carrying my regular business cards…? Nope. I still love them, and some circumstances simply call for a good ol’ fashioned paper card. But especially in networking settings and conferences, this dot.card is golden.

So, if you happen to see me out and about, seriously please ask me for my business card so I can geek out over showing you. My family and friends are tired of hearing about it already.


PS: If you’re looking to order some paper business cards, I get mine from Vista Print. Not bragging, but I get compliments on my cards every single time I hand them out. And in case you’re interested, I get the square ones with pearl paper, printed in color on both sides.




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