a pile of turtle stickers

© 2022 Rachel L. Shumate | All rights reserved.

Do you think you could win a race against a turtle? (Honestly, I probably couldn’t, ha.) Well, the Sea Turtle Conservancy is getting ready to launch their annual 5K/10K virtual marathon – for people. The sea turtles are actually just finishing up their race known as the Tour de Turtles. I was being facetious. I mean, who would race a sea turtle? They’re three times faster than Phelps, the most decorated Olympic swimmer of all time. I’d drown for sure.

So, why am I rambling on about turtles…? Stick with me, it gets fun.

I happen to really like the Sea Turtle Conservancy because they do some super great things for our environment, and the money that’s donated to them gets put to good use, instead of them spending it on marketing ploys and silly stuffed animals and t-shirts as bribes. I also love sea turtles and the ocean. I digress… My point is that they offer quality to both their cause and to their contributors.

I’d like to encourage you to check them out. I think you’ll find that they have some really cute programs, like the virtual marathon I mentioned above. And, if you recall, awhile back I talked about how Olivia and I adopted a turtle (okay, not a REAL one, read that story here). That was my favorite.

However, if donating to the Sea Turtle Conservancy by doing a virtual marathon or tracking turtle migration (Tour de Turtles) isn’t really your thing… (Though I promise the Tour de Turtles is a hit with kids and adults alike.) I have another fun activity that I’m actually hopeful is a success for both you and the kiddos.

I thought it would be kinda neat to do a Planet Pledge with my readers. In fact, I’ve already got a name for us – we can be the Turtle Team! (Yep, I’m sorta corny.) How it works… Just download and print this fun pledge, you, and/or your kiddo, check off the boxes of the helpful actions you wish to commit to, and sign the bottom. Also, it would be great to hang on the fridge as a friendly reminder. AND… since I really want to encourage everyone to participate, and because I’m a bit of a dork, I will also send you a fun turtle sticker (at random) like the ones pictured above to slap onto your reusable water bottle (wink, wink), as well as a thank you certificate for being part of the Turtle Team (all free of charge). If you would like for me to send you a sticker and certificate, just fill out the form below and I will happily mail it to you (while supplies last). And no, I don’t believe in junk mail or selling people’s info, so no worries there.

I really hope you join the Turtle Team, and I also hope you check out the Sea Turtle Conservancy. Let’s go turtles…! 🙂

Turtle Team Form


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