a bunch of various game pieces scattered about

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I have a small fortune invested in games. The amount of money I’ve spent on my collection of various cards, dice, board games, and the like, would probably shock most people. But I say, can you really put a price on family fun…? You see, I LOVE games and I will literally buy just about any game that I think Olivia will play. I even have a dedicated game cabinet (that’s an absolute treasure trove of fun), and I travel with a bag full of games as well (even if it’s just down the road to visit my parents).

Unfortunately, I usually have to cajole most of my family and friends into playing with me. Which is why I started Olivia out young (with Candy Land and Hi-Ho Cherry-o), in hopes of instilling the love of games at an early age. And though it was touch and go for a bit, I think she’s turning into a gamer as well. We both enjoy sneaking in a few rounds of games most days. And while we haven’t yet been successful in getting Kendall to join us (he only plays when I make him on my birthday), I’m still holding out hope for a regular family game night.

How about you? Do you enjoy playing games too? There’s really something kinda magical about games. I learned long ago that it’s a wonderful way to bond with others. It’s also my preferred way to visit with people because it’s interactive, and lots more fun than sitting around a living room engaging in small talk and discussing the news (which is always depressing). Give me deep conversations, or give me games, ha!

Games are also a great way to connect with your kids in a less obvious, eyeroll-inducing way. And if you’re interested in giving it a try, I’ve asked Olivia to rank our top 15 most played games (#1 being her favorite). I’ve learned that sometimes it’s just a matter of finding the right game and/or mixing it up. So, maybe this list will help you discover your next favorite.

Here’s to getting your game on!

Our Fifteen Favorite Games:

  1. What Do You Meme? 
  2. Smug Owls
  3. That Escalated Quickly
  4. Uno
  5. Chicken!
  6. We Love Cats
  7. Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, Pizza
  8. Dominoes
  9. Letterpool
  10. Pass the Pandas
  11. SUSSED
  12. Mount Cleverest
  13. Left Right Center
  14. Sleeping Queens
  15. Tenzi

PS: Also, hopefully coming soon to the list above are the following games: Rummikub, Taboo, Bananagrams, Rummy, and puzzles. I like these a lot, but Olivia either isn’t a fan or isn’t ready yet.

PPS: My love of games came from my Granny. We would play cards for hours every day whenever I visited. She was also a very sore loser, and since I usually beat her, it was positively hilarious to hear her carry on about it. Once, she swept all the cards off the table, onto the floor, and asked me sharply when I was going home. I still laugh about that!




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