Reading Program

Long before I discovered that Pizza Hut’s BOOK IT! program still exists (no kidding; they’re still around, yay!), I created my own “Mommy Reading Program.”  I should probably come up with a cooler name now that I’m publishing it on the blog haha…  Anyhow, I...

We Adopted a Turtle!

We adopted a turtle!  Okay, well… we really just donated money to the Sea Turtle Conservancy to “adopt” a sea turtle.  You see, last year was HARD.  In fact, I think it’s safe to say that 2020 was simply awful (or worse) for everyone.  And in an effort to incorporate...

Leaping Lily Pads

This is a prefect rainy-day activity!  Not only is it super fun, quick, and easy, it’s also likely to create memorable moments.  My daughter and I both love origami and games, and since this combines the two, it’s a win-win.  See below for instructions and links to...

Kindness Elves

The holidays are (officially) upon us.  And I’d like to share a really great Fun Find that you just might want to add to your virtual shopping cart this Black Friday. I stumbled upon the Kindness Elves quite by chance last year, and I’m so happy I did.  (Or perhaps...


You know how your internet creepily stalks you and then picks ads directed at your specific interests? Well, thanks to Google (or maybe Big Brother), I stumbled across the Cuddle+Kind company. Usually I ignore these ads. However, the more I saw them, the more...
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