A corner of the internet dedicated to love, light, and laughs...

Fun Finds

Stuff I Love…

This section features an array of items that I think are praiseworthy.  If I love a product, I’m going to recommend it to my friends – and that means you too.  🙂 

Kindle – The Best Device You Never Knew You Needed

Kindle – The Best Device You Never Knew You Needed

Are you a bookworm, or maybe a book dragon? I had to look up the latter because that was a new one to me. If we’re on the same page, Google says, “Bookworms read books. Book dragons read and hoard books. They surround themselves with as many paperbacks, hardbacks, and...

This Beats All Other Lotions – Hands Down!

This Beats All Other Lotions – Hands Down!

I don’t know about you, but my hands take a lot of abuse, and if I don’t moisturize on the regular, they end up looking like they belong to a scaly dragon that stuck its paws in a blender. Seriously, my hands don’t just get dry, they get chapped, cracked, and even...

Make Every Day Feel Like a Spa Day with the Best Robe EVER!

Make Every Day Feel Like a Spa Day with the Best Robe EVER!

Do you remember when I talked about how I was going to start dressing up more often? Yeah… well, today is not one of those days… I’m currently working from home in my robe, and frankly, I’m loving every minute of it. Mind you, my hubby likes to keep the house cool...

A Meaningful Purchase from a Sustainable Company

A Meaningful Purchase from a Sustainable Company

What was the last thing you really splurged on? As in, you decided to treat yo’ self and you had that little moment of “Eeek, I can’t believe I’m doing this,” right before the thrill of having, or doing, whatever it was… (And hey, that pair of shoes from TJ Maxx can...

Make it Rain with Happy Memories

Make it Rain with Happy Memories

Nearly everyone has a smart phone these days – well, except my mother who’s still sporting a flip phone (which I tease her relentlessly about, hehe). And more often than not, I’m willing to bet that you use your phone to take pictures rather than a regular camera. I...

Coloring and Cuss Words

Coloring and Cuss Words

Ever have a completely crappy day and think to yourself, “I can’t wait till this day is over and I can go home and crack open… my coloring book!”??? Yeah, me neither, haha. I’ve cracked open a beer or a bottle of wine at the end of a long day, but I’ve never had the...

Travel Vibes Without the Trip

Travel Vibes Without the Trip

Ya know what’s depressing? Having a travel section on my blog and not having any new and exciting trips to post. I mean, how terrible for you as a reader…! Okay, maybe I’m really just whining because I’m jonesing for a vacation. Granted, I’ve been traveling quite a...

Find Your North Star – Change Your Life!

Navigating North Journal

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Easy and small steps to bring more joy and growth to your one and only fabulous life. It's like a care package for your soul. Download this transformitave pdf booklet today!

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